
The HASNAOUI-FCM CONSTRUCTION (HFCM) is a recent company of the FCM Group, established in 2012 in partnership with an algerian construction group: Groupe des Sociétés HASNAOUI.

HFCM is a company with an contractor profile, composed of Algerians and Portuguese technical staff who work in the area of “West Oran” and contributes to the realization of public works in both the public and private sector, particularly in the fields of Health, Education, Industrial Construction, Hospitality and high housing standard.

The HFCM company aims at medium term, to become a leading company in reference to the Algerian market, being recognized for its level and quality technical support as well as its ability to achieve while focusing on continuous training and permanent of the Algerian technical staff in collaboration with the Portuguese staff.

 - High-end Promotion    - Alimentary
 - Stone Trasformation
 - Cement Factories
 - Electronic Equipment
 - Fuels
    - Viaducts 
  - Underpass
    - Hospitals    - Hotels


     Consult more HFCM projects

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