FCM Construções SA management, leads and ensures the implementation and maintenance of a Quality Management System in accordance with ISO 9001, providing the necessary resources for its use as a management tool that enhances the continuous improvement of the company`s overall performance. This system is based on the following Principles:
To our Customers:
- Meeting their needs and their expectations;
- Compliance with the contractual and legal requirements applicable to its activity;
- Continues to improve its work, services, and processes and the effectiveness of its quality management system;
- Promotion of good image in the execution of the works and the overall satisfaction with the implemented solutions.
To our Employees:
- Trust in the organization’s future;
- Development of their technical and behavioral skills;
- Promotion of motivation and involvement in the organization;
- The search and adoption of best practices and the availability of resources that promote the improvement of the Health and Safety conditions;
- Compliance with legislation and regulations within the scope of the Quality Management System, applicable to our products and services.
To our Suppliers and Partners:
- Reinforcement and incentive of partnerships;
- Compliance with established commitments;
- Cooperation in improving the safety conditions of subcontractors.
To our Shareholders:
- Profitability that ensures the sustained development of the organization.

In order to meet the growing demands of the quality of its work, FCM - Construções, S.A. seeks to continuously improve its processes and means of control. In this way, and aware that the qualification and motivation of its employees is essential for a correct performance of its functions, in 2013, FCM - Construções S.A. decided to create its "Training Center", obtaining its certification as a Training entity by DGERT.